Tuesday 24 September 2013


Ape tuh MIBG scan?? Mula2 i pun taktau..but of course.. google la kan..

MIBG stands for meta-iodobenzylguanidine. Neuroblastoma cells take up (absorb) this protein, and when it is linked to a small amount of radioactive iodine, it can be used to find neuroblastoma in the bone, bone marrow, and other parts of the body. Because the child’s thyroid gland will also absorb radioactive iodine, regular iodine is taken by mouth for several days before the scan to protect the thyroid.

Apa itu I-131 MIBG?

Metaiodobenzylguanidine (MIBG) adalah suatu zat yang dapat berakumulasi di tumor neuroblastoma. Apabila MIBG ditempelkan dengan ubat radioaktif (I-131) maka akan dapat memberikan efek terapi dari energi radiasi beta yang dimiliki oleh I-131. I-131 MIBG ini berbentuk cairan jernih seperti air.

Say what?? Heheheh.. doctor suruh aisy buat mibg scan which is usually used to scan Neuroblastoma.. so on 26 August 2013, kitaorg bawak aisy ke HKL balik.. biaselah..masuk URH.. cucuk line, then drove to the radioterapi building.. kat sana.. diaorg inject isotope which is the radioactive substance yang akan masuk throughout his body for one week.. and during this time aisy tak boleh dekat dengan any children or pregnant ladies... quarantine lah seminggu...oh yeah, tiga hari sebelum kena injection ni, aisy diwajibkan minum lugol iodine untuk protect thyroid dia or something like that.. tiga hari sekali tiap2 hari kena minum..tak boleh miss tau.. then after dah cucuk the isotope on that day.. kita pun balik.. three days berturut2 lepas kena injection kena sambung minum lugol iodine tuh which kitaorg campur dalam susu aisy.. because tak sanggup bagi dia orally guna syringe sebab the smell and taste is so bad.. even pharmacist pun suruh letak dalam susu dia...

The hospital asked us to return to do the scan on wednesday..coz the radioactive substance tuh kena serap betul2 dalam badan dia...so we went on wednesday, he was sedated with chloral hydrate sebelum nak buat scan.. so bila dia dah knocked out..doctor pun buat la scan.. tiba2... another 20minutes left.. aisy dah bangun.. pusing and merangkak atas machine tuh.. astaghfirullah.. macam mane ni.. hmm looks like we have to come back tomorrow lah to do another scan..

Next day we came back.. this time ade doctor and nurse from URH ikut kitaorg ke tempat scan tuh.. coz doctor tuh nak sedate him with something stronger called mida.. sama macam masa MRI dia harituh..so Alhamdulillah he was knocked out throughout the whole scanning procedure.. after 1 hour plus.. dah abis scan.. the doctor in charge of the scanning suruh dtg lagi the next day... hadoiiii..whyyyy?? coz she said ade some parts nak tengok progress bla bla bla.. haiyaakk bohsannyer dgr sebab kesian aisy kena bangun kul 6am everyday.. takpelah.. esok last..gagahkan jua lah..

Next day..which is a friday..last day of the scanning.. as usual..sedated with mida.. after one hour plus.. settle!! Yeayyy... boleh balik..results?? as usual..tunggu diaorg call lah..then only we would know whether to continue chemo ke tidak..


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