Tuesday 1 October 2013

Continuation of Treatment & New Allergies

Sorry dah lama dah tak hapdate.. busy with aisy of course..  so anyway, after the MIBG scan that we had to repeat for three days.. few days later.. hospital call and asked for aisy untuk sambung chemo..the third cycle.. so maksudnya masih ade lagi lah cancer cell dlm badan dia.. hmm takpelah.. nak buat camne..

So on 5 Sept 2013, we got aisy admitted to the oncology ward.. as usual.. 5 jam chemo sehari untuk tiga hari berturut2.. Doctor said he needs to do two cycles, then kena buat ct scan for evaluation of progress later on.. hmm ok.. 

Alhamdulillah aisy was doing great masa ni.. tapiiiii... since he is so active.. masa second day, line yg pasang kat chemo port dia tercabut keluar.. luka kulit dia kat area tuh.. haiyoo.. menangis lah dia... nasib baik tercabut masa masuk air jer utk hydration.. kalau masa chemo... i yg pengsan sbb mesti terbakar kulit aisy kena ubat chemo tuh.. eish naudzubillah... haiiihh anak..anak...

So doctor pun cucuk lah line baru.. so after four days in the hospital.. treatment okay..aisy pun okay.. so its time to go home.. masuklah bilik rawatan untuk cabut line dari chemo port dia.. bila cabut.. alamak.. dada dia besar sebelah.. doctor pun cuak.. haiyookk camne boleh jadi mcm ni? Doctor perasan jarum yg cucuk kat port tuh dah terkeluar sikit.. so apparently air drip tuh dah masuk ke tissue badan aisy instead of masuk ke line port tuh.. haihhh ni mesti sebab dia banyak move nie..

So the doctor kata tunggu sejam tengok whether surut ke tidak.. Alhamdulillah after an hour, mmg surut sikit lah.. then specialist pun dtg.. specialist ni plak risau lebih.. dia takut chemo port kat dlm badan dia disconnected yang membuatkan bocor and air masuk ke tissue.. ayyyookkk.. ade kemungkinan jugak tapi rasanya macam tak kot sebab dah nampak jarum line tuh terkeluar skit dah kan.. hmm but still specialist tuh insist aisy buat xray utk check the chemo port..still intact ke tidak.. baiklahhh doctorrr.. nampaknya minggu depan kena la dtg balik utk Xray pulak.. so for the mean time doctor bagi balik rumah.. tapi dia pesan kalau tetiba tempat port dia tuh merah ke.. or dia demam ke.. kena terus bawak balik ke ward ni.. “baik Doc!!”

So we went home on sunday, 8th sept 2013.. Xray appointment was given for 12th sept 2013.. pendek kata, we went for the Xray and Alhamdulillah all is well.. benda tuh still in good condition.. so betulah it is because jarum tuh dah nak terkeluar.. thats why bengkak sekejap..tissue masuk air..

Oh before that, a day lepas aisy discharge, naik rashes satu badan.. This is something new because usually bila lepas chemo sebelum ni, dia cuma naik bintik2 skit2 jer kat tangan camtuh.. Tapi ni rashes satu badan.. Menggaru jelah dia.. Besar kemungkinan this is bcoz of the blood transfusion yg dia buat masa operation hari tuh.. 3/4 darah dia diganti dgn darah org lain.. So his allergy jadi lagi teruk.. Means darah dia dulu lagi better dari darah org ni.. Hmm well what to do.. Consequences yg unavoidable.. But a day after that, rashes dia pun subside..it didnt last long la alhamdulillah.. I didnt put anything on the rashes, biar benda tuh baik sendiri.. N it did.. Kena la notify doctor during next chemo session..

Next chemo.. is scheduled three weeks after.. which is 26th Sept 2013.. see u in that entry!

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