Tuesday 10 September 2013

Aisy Growing Up

And so our new journey begins with the new lil person in our lives. 
Memang betul la orang kata, bila dah ade anak sendiri, baru tahu macam mane manisnya rasa kebahagiaan tu. Biarlah susah macam mane pun, ngantuk macam mane pun, letih macam mane pun.. anak tetap menjadi priority.. Hubby and I were so happy seeing Aisy growing up healthily, takde demam kuning, takde demam langsung pun actually, takde kembung perut sangat pun, pendek kata, memang senang sangat nak jaga sebab dia cuma nangis bila lapar, ngantuk and berry. Oh by the way, when he was born, berat dia 3.8kg. Heheheh memang rasa blessed sangat. FYI, as he was growing up, he was such a strong healthy boy, kaki kuat, tangan kuat, leher pun kuat.. 4 months old dah pegang botol susu sendiri.. very independent plak tuh, tak suka orang pegang2, nak bebas jer hehe..i think u guys can imagine la macam mane kan.. but.. the happily ever after stopped when he reached 5 months plus.. that was the time we felt something was not right..

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