Friday 21 February 2014

Decision Decision..

The day has come where we have to give our decision to the neurosurgeon. Unfortunately, I tak dapat pergi because of my sudden back pain yg membuatkan i takleh jalan, duduk sakit, berdiri pun sakit.. Haihh.. So hubby had to go by himself to see the neurosurgeon...

So the whole day, i waited for him to come home and tell me what the doctor said regarding our decision.. biaselah lelaki, they never tell a story in detail kan.. unlike most women where kita akan cite kat dia dari time kita sampai hospital, sampailah balik hehehehe.. betul tak? so this is how hubby sums it up lah..

Reach the hospital and got to see the doctor around 1.30pm..

Hubby: So doctor, after much deliberation and sembahyang istiqarah.. our decision is not to proceed with the surgery..

Surgeon: Oh i see.. but u are aware of the risks right?

Hubby: Yes, i’m aware..

SurgeonAlright then, I respect your decision.. but Aisy has got to come here for regular check ups yeah.. perhaps every six weeks..just to see his progress..

HubbySure, no problem. Thank you Doc.

Left the room at 1.45pm...

Logic tak conversation ni takes 15 minutes? hehehehe tak logic kan? im sure theres more to this.. tuh la tak suka bila miss important appointments mcm ni.. hahahaha

Anyway, on a serious note.. our decision is not to proceed with the surgery.. we are seeking and trying alternative treatment (no, not bomoh).. after praying and doa for guidance from God.. He has led us to this decision.. and Insyaallah we stand firm by it whatever the outcome is.. good or bad.. it is all His plans for us.. the only thing is.. whether we are ready to accept it or not..? I sure hope we are..

Well readers, please pray for my son’s well-being.. so that he can have a healthy and normal childhood..

Thank you..



  1. Assalamualaikum
    Puan,bayi sy juga neuroblastoma tahap 4,skg berada di icu HKL..Usianya 46hr hari ini..

    1. Astaghfirullahaladzim.. kenapa dia di ICU? berapa besar tumour dia? macam mana puan boleh dapat tahu?

  2. Kalau puan tak keberatan mgkin kita boleh no sy 0194125311.
