Hello dear readers, firstly I would like to apologise for being silent for almost 3 months.. it has been quite hectic for me at work and at home.
So here’s an update of what has been going on with Aisy... on 26thJanuary 2015 we got him admitted to HKL at the Neurosurgery Ward for his MRI.. if it were conducted under institute pediatrik tak payah overnight pun. Just come for the day jer but neurosurgery punya procedure lain, kena admitted and stay over a night for the following day punya MRI.. Aisy is now 2 years 3 months.. and u know la what they say about toddlers being two years of age right? So yeah Aisy doesn’t know how to sit still, not even for 5 minutes.. hubby and i are glad for he is active but worn out bila asyik nak kena kejar jer huhuhu...
So anyway... we didn’t have the admission form, we only had the letter they sent us few months back informing us of the MRI date. So kena lah pegi ward, amik admission form, then drive back to the emergency area to register... after almost one hour of waiting to register, and hubby kena pusing hkl tak tau brape round hehehe sian dia.. kitaorg decided to go for breakfast first because bukan nak rushing pun masuk ward since the MRI is the next day kan... so masa nak pergi breakfast, ade lah drama suami isteri... nangis2.. bla bla bla hahahhaa anyway... lepastuh we went to the ward..
So they put us in this one room with empty beds and kitaorg jer dalam tuh, so lega la sikit sebab takde org kan... well at first i thought la... N this is aisy mengenang nasib hehehe
then suddenly they moved us to the next room yg dah penuh coz there was one empty bed.. then tak sampai 5minutes. Moved us to another room... the old room where we used to stay the last time.. uuurrrghhhh... angkut lah brg2 lagi... i was quite pissed la tapi sabor jelah...
So we waited...... n waited.... n waited.... then i asked the nurse.. is there anything that we r supposed to do here? She said oh wait, let me check kul brape MRI dia esok... then she said oh ok, hari ni tak buat ape2 bcoz his MRI is at 1.00pm tomorrow. So nak check darah and masuk line semua buat esok pagi.... and i’m like ???!!!!!... so uall suruh kitaorg masuk pagi2 untuk TAK buat ape2 lah ek? When i told hubby, dia lagi bengang... so we asked when is the doctor coming coz kitaorg nak balik... like seriously, duduk tak buat ape dgn aisy duk ngamuk2 nak ke sana sini.. lari2 dlm ward..jerit2... while the other neuro ward patients terlantar atas katil with tubes coming out of the heads... kesian diaorg...

So we waited n waited again... for the doctor... he’s in surgery, so kena lah tunggu... aisy and ayahnyer dah pegi tido kat kereta sebab aisy dah takleh nak duduk dlm ward dah...then i think around 5pm.. the doctor came... so i call hubby suh masuk balik ward... then after doctor asked me few questions.. i said to him, “i have a request.. can we go home..since theres nothing to do here today and we’ll come back first thing in the morning tomorrow around 7am..?” he called his boss and he said okay, we can go...dia ckp kalau awal2 dia tau kitaorg nak balik, he would have let us go earlier... hmmmmm anywayyyy a whole day is wasted doing nothing ... great...
Morning of 27 January 2015.... kul 7pagi dah terpacak kat ward... around 9am... nurse suruh bawak aisy to the bilik rawatan nak cucuk tangan... of course ayah dial ah bawak, anak ayah kan... menjerit2..teriak abisss... ingatkan skejap jer macam kat institute pediatrik... but it took them like 20minutes!! Gila lama nak pasang line... he was crying for full 20minutes! Mula la hati ni geram.. then finally after dah siap... tgk aisy dah mula la nangis tarik2... tengok tangan dia dah bengkak2.. belah kiri belah kanan... banyak bekas needle poke yerrr... eeeee marahnyerrr ...kalau diaorg apologise and ckp elok2 takpe.. ni kerek2 plak... hubby ckp, dah lah, lepas ni xnak masuk ward ni lagi...
Then the time came for us to go to the MRI place.. i think it was around 11am kot.. aisy kena duduk atas stretcher to transfer him there.. mmg x larat la if ibu or ayah nak angkat dia and Jalan sejauh2 alam tuh... letak dia atas stretcher dia dah meraung2... sedih..trauma semua cukup... alahai anak ibu...
After a long fast walk to the MRI centre, aisy pun tertido lepas dah nangis2.. nasib baik dia tido sampai lah turn dia untuk masuk scanning...
they gave him sedation... sekali x cukup... dua kali pun x cukup... kena tukar sedation kuat skit.. i don’t remember the name of the drug, all i remember is it was white in colour... terus konk out....
After about 40minutes, Alhamdulillah selesai semuanya... then we went back to the ward.. tapi aisy tak naik stretcher coz they had to use it for someone else.. aisy kena duduk atas ibu dia and ibu dia duduk atas wheelchair hahahah...first time i naik wheelchair... mmg segan dengan attendant yang tolak wheelchair tuh sebab dia sgt kurus dan saya sgt bam bam hahahahah...kesian kat dia... but no choice... coz aisy tengah lalok, xleh nak jalan or carry... and so... aisy pun recovered from the drugs...minum, makan macam2..lapar kesian.. puasa since pagi lah katakan...
then later that evening we got discharged.... tunggulah 12 February 2015 for the MRI results... urat2 leher mula lah tegang..
12 February 2015... 10a.m.... We went in to see the doctor... first he displayed the new films, then the old films to see the difference...
“hmm.. it looks like there’s a change... it looks a bit bigger than the last one..” “duppp..!!” jantung sudah jatuh... then he took out a piece of paper that shows the lab results of the MRI.. the ACTUAL RESULTS!... dan dgn senang lenang doctor ckp, “oh but it says here, the tumour remains UNCHANGED...I’m sure they are right since they have the tools to measure it..” .....................like seriously??? Bagi jantung i jatuh tak pasal2, then say it’s unchanged? Haihhhh...xpe xpe..syukur2...sabar2... then as usual la the doctors asked us about doing surgery on it n all that... then i told them our decision about not going into surgery remains UNCHANGED.
But of course.. the surgeon had to have his last words and said.. “Well alright then, but if the cancer spreads..it’s gonna spread fast”.............Well, thats only for God to know isn’t it?
Anyway.. despite the lil drama... hubby and i are truly thankful to God and to those who have prayed for Aisy’s well-being... We can never repay your kindness... THANK YOU!