Tuesday 25 March 2014

Second MIBG scan

Salaam n hi all.. Im writing this while waiting for Aisy tgh buat MIBG scan.. If some of u r not sure what MIBG scan is.. U can read my post from last year. I dah pernah tulis coz this is aisy's second time buat this scan.. 

Two days ago we came here untuk aisy kena cucuk radioactive into his body system.. So as usual, not allowed to be near other kids, preggers and avoid contact with his poopoo n peepee heheh

Then kena tunggu dua hari, and today he has started the 1st day of scanning.. Kesian budak tuh kena bangun awal pagi.. Muka groggy but still in a good mood hehe

Usually this scan will take up 3-4days.. So most probably, aisy have to repeat d scan tomorrow n friday as well.. 

So hopefully when we get the results, it would be positive lah huhu.. But if its not, its okay. We will fight harder insyaallah.. Lots of prayers from u guys would really help a lot :) merci.. 

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