Sunday, 23 November 2014

Learn more about the treatment you put your child through

Killer cancer treatment: How toxic chemotherapy kills both cancer cells and cancer patients

"If cancer specialists were to admit publicly that chemotherapy is of limited usefulness and is often dangerous, the public might demand a radical change in direction—possibly toward unorthodox and nontoxic methods, and toward cancer prevention. ...The use of chemotherapy is even advocated by those members of the establishment who realize how ineffective and dangerous it can be." - Ralph W. Moss, author, The Cancer Industry

Imagine that you own a house that is absolutely perfect and beautiful with all the necessities, except that it has some rodents inside. When you call the exterminators, they tell you that they won't be able to target just the rodents, as these rodents are of an especially stealthy breed. They tell you they're just going to set off a series of explosions in your house that may kill the rodents. They warn you, "Oh yeah, it may destroy some of your house in the process, but, hey, you want those rodents out of your house, right?" There's probably no way you would allow that; instead, you would do some research and find other, more specific and less generally destructive ways of getting rid of the rodents.

The allegorical exterminators' logic makes no sense; yet, it's the same logic that doctors who prescribe chemotherapy follow. Like the exterminators' explosions, chemotherapy doesn't exclusively target cancer cells; it also harms your good cells, destroying some of your body – your "house" – in the process. As a result, many chemotherapy patients lose their hair, develop immune deficiencies, lose weight and vomit. Chemotherapy poisons your body as a whole in an attempt to kill the cancer cells before the "treatment" brings your body to an unrecoverable state.

As Gary Null and James Feast write, "(After chemotherapy,) the hope is the cancer is going to be totally dead and you are only half dead and recover." Unfortunately, some people are more than "half dead" after chemotherapy and remain damaged for the rest of their lives, no matter how long or how short that life may be. They never realize that according to many alternative health practitioners, there are safer ways of combating many types ofcancer.

Former chemotherapy patient Anne explains in Michio Kushi's and Alex Jack's book, The Cancer Prevention Diet: "My mind rebelled at the thought of another six months of that poison. On several occasions, the doctor couldn't perform chemotherapy treatments on me because my white blood cell count was dangerously low. I promised my body I would not undergo any further chemotherapy treatments."

Anne's account reflects the feelings of all too many cancer patients who have suffered through months of often debilitating chemotherapy. The side effects that chemotherapy patients feel and others see – the extreme nausea and vomiting, the hair loss, the weight loss – are indicative of the intense havoc that chemotherapy is causing within the body. According to the Life Extension Foundation, chemotherapy drugs are "cytotoxic," meaning that "they kill cells that are extremely active." Cancer cells are, of course, extremely active. However, so are the cells of the hair and the immune system, for example, which accounts for chemotherapy's destructive side effects.

As if these side effects are not enough, cancer therapy commonly includes surgery and radiation, both of which have their own dangers and side effects. As Professor Null writes in his Complete Encyclopedia of Natural Healing, "The mainstream medical establishment often prescribes mastectomy, radiation and chemotherapy to treat cancer, an approach that has been described as a slash-and-burn strategy." The treatment for breast cancer is unfortunately often the general rule among cancer treatment – cut off the affected organ, poison the body with chemotherapy and then harm the body even more with radiation.

In Get Healthy Now, Professor Null describes one woman's experience with mainstream medicine's approach to breast cancertreatment: "Three days later, she had her breast lopped off. That was followed up with lots of chemotherapy. Her hair fell out and she vomited 24 hours a day. She couldn't keep any food down. Then they did radiation and her skin burnt up and two of her ribs broke." He concludes, "Most people don't know how dangerous radiation is. I had seen enough. I wouldn't touch any of that medicine with a 10-foot pole." Surgical removal of the cancerous body part also has its own aftereffects, of course, requiring not only the normal recovery after any surgery, but also coping with the psychological effects of having a body part removed.

It may all be unnecessary in the first place

As cancer patients suffer from the side effects of chemotherapy and other methods of mainstream cancer treatment, the fact remains that according to many medical practitioners, these treatments are unnecessary and sometimes do more harm than good. In response to chemotherapy's many side effects, Dr. Atkins says in Burton Goldberg's Alternative Medicine, "Only in situations in which chemotherapy is proven to be effective and curative would I recommend it. In general, this might be testicular cancer."

Many people also think that surgery can sometimes do more harm than good: Biopsy, for example, may in fact spread cancer cells, according to Professor Null. Furthermore, the most extreme example of unnecessary cancer therapy – treatment for false positive cancer diagnoses – is more common than we'd like to believe, according to Critical Condition authors Donald L. Barlett and James B. Steele.

If, as many people believe, mainstream cancer treatment is sometimes ineffective and always harmful to the body as a whole, then what is the alternative? Goldberg writes that Ukrain, which is made from the alkaloids of the greater celandine plant and the pharmaceutical Thiotepa, "can do everything chemotherapy does but without the side effects, so it renders chemotherapy largely unnecessary." The beauty of Ukrain is that it, unlike chemotherapy drugs, it only targets the cancer cells and not your healthy ones. Furthermore, good nutrition – vitamins, minerals, fiber, fresh fruit and vegetables, juices and medicinal herbs – can do wonders against cancer. Of course, you need to discuss a treatment plan that is right for your type of cancer and your body with a medical professional, preferably a naturopath. But before you say yes to chemotherapy, remember what it does to your body and consider all available treatments.

The experts speak on chemotherapy:

"Chemotherapy poisons your body as a whole in an attempt to kill cancer cells"

As Duesberg explains, AZT had been designed to work as would any other chemotherapeutic drug. "chemotherapy," he says, "is a rational but desperate treatment for cancer." The toxic drug given in the process will kill any and all growing cells in the patient. After a short round of chemo, "the hope is the cancer is going to be totally dead, and you are only half dead and recover." Duesberg points out that the dangerous violence of the method, which is slaughtering cells wholesale, not targeting only cancer cells, is evident in the side effects. "You lose your hair, you lose weight, you get pneumonia, you get immune deficiency, because it's severe cellular intoxication. You kill a lot of good cells, too." 
Aids A Second Opinion by Gary Null PhD with James Feast, page 429

"How chemotherapy harms your body"

In September 1986, Anne decided to stop chemotherapy despite the opposition of her oncologist. "My mind rebelled at the thought of another six months of that poison," she observes. "On several occasions the doctor couldn't perform chemotherapy treatments on me because my white blood cell count was dangerously low. I promised my body I would not undergo any further chemotherapy treatments." 
The Center Prevention Diet by Michio Kushi & Alex Jack, page 131

Other treatments, with significant side effects, are being investigated for more serious forms of the disease. Immunosuppressive drugs that have been used for cancer chemotherapy and organ transplants may reduce the autoimmune response. These drugs are cytotoxic; that is, they kill cells that are extremely active, which in autoimmune disease are white blood cells. 
Disease Prevention And Treatment by Life Extension Foundation, page 1373

Nausea is usually a passing symptom that will almost always go away by itself. In most cases, I recommend natural remedies for nausea because they are often as effective as some of the prescription antiemetic drugs, but they do not cause unnecessary side effects. The only exception to this rule, however, is in the case of cancer patients who are receiving chemotherapy; the kind of intense nausea they may experience can be so severe that stronger measures may be needed. 
Secret Remedies by Earl Mindell RPh PhD, page 204

"The tri-fold approach to mainstream cancer therapy"

The mainstream medical establishment often prescribes mastectomy, radiation, and chemotherapy to treat breast cancer, an approach that has been described as a slash-and-burn strategy. This approach may be in for a reappraisal with the recent insight by the medical world that breast cancer is actually three different diseases, with indistinct boundaries, rather than one. In other words, only some breast cancers fit the image of a disease that is fast-growing and fast-spreading. Two other categories of this condition exist, the slowest-growing of which may never spread or be life-threatening at all. With this realization comes the idea that giving everyone with breast cancer chemotherapy may be unnecessary. Considering the harmful effects of chemotherapy, the belated nature of this realization is disturbing, to say the least. 
Complete Encyclopedia Of Natural Healing by Gary Null PhD, page 72

Dr. Atkins regards chemotherapy as otherwise dangerous and best avoided in treating the majority of cancers. Only in situations in which chemotherapy is proven to be effective and curative would I recommend it, he says. In general, this might be testicular cancer … 
Alternative Medicine by Burton Goldberg, page 595

Three days later, she had her breast lopped off. That was followed up with lots of chemotherapy. Her hair fell out and she vomited 24 hours a day. She couldn't keep any food down. Then they did radiation and her skin burnt up and two of her ribs broke. Most people don't know how dangerous radiation is. I had seen enough. I wouldn't touch any of that medicine with a 10-foot pole. 
Get Healthy Now by Gary Null, page 762

I try never to use radiation treatment -- which is even more dangerous than most forms of chemotherapy -- without also using hyperthermia, says Dr. Atkins. Thanks to hyperthermia, we can shrink tumors with far less radiation to get the same therapeutic outcome, and our patients' immune systems and overall health are faring much better as a result. 
Alternative Medicine by Burton Goldberg, page 609

If prostate cancer develops, mainstream medicine typically offers prostatectomy, or removal of the prostate, chemotherapy, and radiation. All are ineffective and often dangerous. Surgery, like biopsy, can actual spread cancer cells, and often decreases sexual potency and urinary control. PACT, a prostate support group, advocates hormonal blockers to induce cancer shrinkage, which may hold the disease at bay for several years, followed by a prostatectomy or cryosurgery (freezing of the prostate). The most common hormonal blockers are Lupron and Fludamide. As prostate cancer is generally slow growing, patients, especially those in the early stages, have time to try less harmful methods of treatment. 
Complete Encyclopedia Of Natural Healing by Gary Null PhD, page 308

Rufer and her husband sued Abbott Laboratories, UWMC, and the cancer specialist who treated her. UWMC and the doctor argued that they had relied on the Abbott test results. Abbott denied all responsibility, even though the literature distributed with its tests made no mention of the potential for false positives. What's more, according to a court opinion, it turned out that Abbott also had access to reports that false positive results on its assay led to unnecessary cancer treatment before 1998. It received over forty complaints of false positives, including multiple complaints of unnecessary chemotherapy and surgery before Jennifer Rufer's first treatment in April 1998. 
Critical condition by Donald L Barlett and James B Steele, page 63

To reduce the need for steroids, immunosuppressants such as azathioprine, 6-mercaptopurine (also used in the treatment of some cancers), or cyclosporine may be substituted. Various chemotherapy agents and organ transplant antirejection drugs are also used. Again, these medications have their own problematic or dangerous side effects. Therefore, thoughtful consideration of a treatment plan coordinated by the patient's physician is required. 
Disease Prevention And Treatment by Life Extension Foundation, page 614

The diagnosis of bilateral lung cancer was confirmed by x-rays, a CAT scan, and a lung biopsy. Like Dr. Meshad, the physician at the center recommended against chemotherapy. Ruth's prognosis was not good: the cancer was aggressive and her history of liver disease made the use of chemotherapy dangerous. 
Sharks Still Don't Get Cancer By Dr I William Lane, page 155

"Alternatives to chemotherapy and other forms of mainstream cancer treatment"

In other words, alternative therapies may pose a serious threat when a patient, if swayed toward alternatives, loses the opportunity to receive the (extremely) effective orthodox treatment? Run that by me again. Time and time again it has been confirmed that the proven medical treatments are not only ineffective but dangerous. The vast majority of patients with cancer live longer and better if left without the orthodox treatments. Oncologists will not accept these treatments for themselves. No scientific research is needed to prove that fresh vegetables, fruit, juices, medicinal herbs, vitamins, minerals, fiber, etc. are not harmful to the body. It would be nice if there were proof that surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy were not harmful. 
Health In The 21st Century by Fransisco Contreras MD, page 224

Finally, if cancer specialists were to admit publicly that chemotherapy is of limited usefulness and is often dangerous, the public might demand a radical change in direction—possibly toward unorthodox and nontoxic methods, and toward cancer prevention. By constantly touting the promise of anticancer drugs, orthodox practitioners ward off this challenge to their expertise and scientists parry the threat radically new concepts represent to their long years of research. The use of chemotherapy is even advocated by those members of the establishment who realize how ineffective and dangerous it can be. 
The Cancer Industry by Ralph W Moss, page 84

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Childhood cancer treatments cause permanent damage to children's heart

(NaturalNews) Assuming that they even survive their treatments, children with cancer whose parents send them down the path of conventional chemotherapy and radiation could end up suffering a life of heart disease. These were the inferred findings of a new study recently presented at the American Heart Association's (AHA) Scientific Sessions 2013, which found that conventional cancer treatments severely damage children's hearts and make them more prone to developing early heart disease.

It has been known for some time that survivors of childhood cancer have a significantly increased risk of developing heart disease as adults. The National Cancer Institute (NCI) admits that, in the 30 years following cancer treatment, childhood cancer survivors are an astounding eight times more likely to die from cardiac-related illness and 15 times more likely to be diagnosed with congestive heart failure compared to the general population.

But now it has been shown for the first time that these risks increase in the short term as well. Children with cancer who receive chemotherapy and radiation are much more prone than their non-cancer counterparts to develop signs of heart disease early. Symptoms can include things like stiffening of the arteries, as well as an overall decline in arterial function.

"Research has shown childhood cancer survivors face heart and other health problems decades after treatment," says Dr. Donald Dengel, Ph.D., a professor of kinesiology at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis and author of the new study. "But researchers had not, until now, looked at the heart health effects of childhood 
cancer treatment while survivors are still children."

Dr. Dengel and his team looked at 300 boys and girls between the ages of nine and 18 for his study. Each of the children had survived at least five years beyond the time of his or her diagnosis for either leukemia or cancerous tumors. Assessments were made of artery stiffness, thickness and function among all the children and compared to those made of more than 200 healthy siblings without cancer.

Upon analysis, the team found that the cancer survivors who underwent conventional treatments were significantly more likely to exhibit signs of early heart disease compared to their healthy siblings. According to the data, the treatment group experienced a roughly nine percent decrease in arterial health immediately after completing 
chemotherapy, compared to the non-cancer group.

"Given this increased risk, children who survive cancer should make lifestyle changes to lower their cardiovascular risk," adds Dengel, whose study has not yet been published in a peer-reviewed journal. "Health care providers who are managing chemotherapy-treated 
childhood cancer survivors need to monitor cardiovascular risk factors immediately following the completion of their patients' cancer therapy."

Official guidelines for heart health flawed; eat plenty of natural fats and avoid grains, sugar

Unfortunately for these childhood cancer survivors, the official recommended guidelines for lowering cardiovascular risk are inherently flawed. Federal dietary standards still erroneously recommend that people avoid saturated fats, for instance, and consume plenty of whole grains. And little mention is made of the serious dangers associated with consuming refined sugars and flours, another high-risk factor in heart disease.

"[Saturated fats] help to raise beneficial HDL cholesterol, improving your triglyceride/HDL [high density lipoprotein] ratio -- a key marker of cardiovascular health," writes integrative cardiologist Dr. Stephen Sinatra in his piece "Heart Myth Debunked: Saturated Fat Isn't the Enemy." "Saturated fats also help to change your LDL [low density lipoprotein] cholesterol pattern, from small dense particles that can clog your arteries to large 'fluffy' harmless LDL particles."

Sources for this article include: 

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Wednesday, 15 October 2014

For the children..

“It's the action, not the fruit of the action, that's important. You have to do the right thing. It may not be in your power, may not be in your time, that there'll be any fruit. But that doesn't mean you stop doing the right thing. You may never know what results come from your action. But if you do nothing, there will be no result.” 
Mahatma Gandhi


Hey guys.. as u all know.. September was Childhood Cancer Awareness month… so hubby and I did some awareness campaign of our own.. I want to thank my friends & family who have helped and supported me in this campaign.. to my dearest hubby for believing in me and putting up with all these activities.. and also a million thanks for those out there who showed that our effort is not in vain by putting on the Gold Ribbon…  Jutaan terima kasih!!

These are pictures taken at The School, Jaya One on 21st September 2014 where we handed out the flyers n gold ribbon pins.. The management was very helpful, supportive n kind.. Tq guys!! 

These are pictures taken at Ruang @ Subang where we did the distribution on 28 Sept 2014. Million thanks to my good old fren, Adriana Thani for allowing us to conduct the campaign there.. Xoxo

And last but not least, my sweet sweet man took the streets and gave out the leaflets from house to house in the middle of the night.. While i wait in the car.. Admiring him from a distance heheh u can't really see him in this pic.. It was dark..

But the journey does not end there.. A lot more work needs to be done.. A lot more people to network with.. 

Many people say..

“Why are you doing this?”

“Do u think these small gestures gonna make any difference?”

“Do you think anyone would care?”

“This is Malaysia laa.. Malaysians don’t care what happens to others unless it happens to them

Well, these statements did let me down but i keep telling myself..  “Lyn, u’ll never know when that one small step forward will make a big difference, so why not just take that step?”


"When the lives and the rights of children are at stake, there must be no silent witnesses." - Anonymous

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Do you care?


September is here and it is time to lock and load to spread the awareness times 10..! hehe many are still not aware about the very existence of CHILDHOOD CANCER. so this month, being Childhood Cancer Awareness month, we have decided to do our very own campaign.. since i asked the cancer association about them doing anything for this childhood cancer month..and they said theyre not doing anything.. not even one lousy campaign or at least announce it ke ape ke.. very disappointing.. so, i had to take matters into my own hand but at a small scale that is…it’s not much.. buat setakat mampu jer.. huhu.. so here it is, our leaflet!..


my dearest fren, Khidayah, helped out by designing the leaflet.. i just kumpul2 information from many sources… this is just to create awareness.. so our mission is to distribute the leaflets to public.. at malls or by the road or something… my fren also came up with the idea to give out gold ribbons.. so i decided to buat the gold ribbons and letak dekat leaflets tuh, so that distribute sekali harung.. my fren and i memang cramp2 kaki la mengadap ribbons tuh.. hihihihi.. i beli the supplies at Nilai 3..  and here it is! All 300pcs of it.. the sakit pinggang was worth it lah hheheheh



Although sometimes i do feel like my fight and my effort is going nowhere.. Nobody seems to care.. No one bothers.. Why can’t we get the same funding from the government that the breast cancer patients get?? Is it a double standard or because if the public don’t care about it, why should the government care right??? So in the end, there isn’t going to be anyone trying to find a cure for it.. but hey, everyone has their own problem right?Isn’t that the answer for everything now? Well.. it is all up to you..Because it’s YOU who can make the change in this world.. it all starts with YOU.. and I have decided and trying my best to be the YOU in this cause… so please help us.. help our children..




Aku bukanlah seorang perwira,
Gagah meng
hunus senjata,
Namun hati rela berjuang 
Walau dengan cara sendiri
Demi cinta ini




Friday, 5 September 2014

Chemo Port Removal Surgery

Alhamdulillah… after almost a year dah tak buat chemo.. akhirnya dapat jugak tarikh nak remove chemo port.. 22 August 2014.. so we r supposed to check in the day before because the surgery is at 9.00am.. i rasa takyah la cerita the whole process kot coz im sure u know the drill… ni gambar cik abg tgh usha doctor buatpe hahaha

but on 22nd August 2014… at 8.30am we were called by the OT to bring Aisy because they need him to be on standby because the patients before him dah almost done.. so we went.. i dunno why eventhough Aisy dah went through a lot of procedures..a lot of surgeries.. my heart still fills my throat when we are walking towards the operation theatre… i know it’s a simple surgery.. it’s a minor surgery.. but.. ntahlah…

So, we got dressed to go inside and waited at the waiting area.. Aisy was being Aisy la kan… slumber dia jer masuk ke OT Hall tuh.. and within seconds he was surrounded by most of the nurses, doctors n staff there.. i just looked at him from far… admiring him actually… if i were in a movie… the camera would make a slow motion effect.. first focusing on my face.. Smiling while i looked at him.. and then camera focuses on him and the people surrounding him who are laughing away looking at his little gestures and listening to his funny words.. at this moment.. my heart said “you’re really something kiddo”… i never get a lot of that kinda moment.. that’s why i can remember exactly how i felt at that time..

Anyway.. a while after that, doctor panggil suruh masuk OT… so i went to him and carried him.. he was smiling and kept on saying “bye..bye…bye..” to everyone.. and all of them were laughing and bid him goodbye.. he thought he was going jalan2.. but right when we reached the OT.. ive never seen a child’s face change like that… honestly.. ive never seen a child have that kind of expression.. he was smiling and laughing and happy and suddenly his face literally drops and i saw fear in him… i totally broke down inside… i know it sounds dramatic but i don’t lie.. this was how it was.. he looked at me like he couldn’t believe what he is seeing… he saw the operation bed.. and oh how my heart breaks.. i had to put him down so that they could gas him..and put him out… i told myself earlier that i wasn’t going to cry.. coz its just a simple surgery…! but when i saw his face and his last look before he was put under… my heart cried so hard and my tears trickled down profusely… my lil baby… my only baby…. how could i not..right?

well.. almost an hour passed and they called us… it was done.. he is now free… syukur Alhamdulillah… guess what.. being the strong boy that he is… eventhough he was still high from the anesthetic, he wanted to walk.. doesn’t want to go to sleep… haihhh.. anyway that’s that.. i hope this would be a closing chapter of his cancer story.. :)

Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Facebook page: Childhood Cancer Family Malaysia

Hey guys, i have newly created a facebook page called Childhood Cancer Family Malaysia. Come and join us to share knowledge, experience and just to show support. The reason why i created this group is bcoz when my son was diagnosed, i was looking for some sort of a support group online or even a place where could light my way but i found none in malaysia.. There are only groups in uk, usa n other parts of the world but not here.. And i hope this page would be able to help other parents, at least not to feel alone.. I know how it feels like.. And i wish to change that.. So come n join us.. 

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Pemergian Wira-wira

Throwback.. masa bulan puasa harituh.. 19 July, hubby, Aisy and I pergi visit kawan2 seperjuangan kat ward cancer.. saje nak visit sebab dah lama tak jumpa diaorg.. and nak ceriakan budak2 tuh jugak la sebab dah nak raya ni.. mesti diaorg rasa down kalau kena raya kat ward kan.. dalam pale otak, nak happy2 dgn diaorg.. tapi bila sampai.. tengok kawan2 Aisy………. pilu sangat hati… yang baru keluar ICU, yang relapse.. yang tinggal skin and bone aje… sebak sangat… pastuh terjumpa dengan mak pada Qayyum.. kawan seperjuangan Aisy.. tetiba dia bagitau.. dah genap sebulan Qayyum pergi.. masa tuh air mata dah takleh tahan… tapi taknak nangis depan mak dia.. sebab taknak patahkan semangat dia.. so terus lari ke tempat lain… niatnya memang nak tanya dia macam2 tapi takleh nak control kesedihan and i taknak dia nampak i nangis macam tuh.. ingat lagi masa Qayyum mula2 masuk.. masa tuh kitaorg pun baru start treatment dalam sebulan lebih rasanya… masyaallah… punya la comel and bambam budaknya.. dengan rambut dia curly2.. and senyum aje dengan semua orang..tak pernah tgk dia tak senyum.. manja plak tuh.. memang jadi mangsa peluk la slalu..gerammm… tapi masa dia tak lama.. memang sampai balik rumah pun, wajah dia aje i nampak.. sangat terkesan dengan pemergian dia.. :(

Dan pagi ni pulak… rakan seperjuangan Aisy yang sentiasa ceria kat ward and lari sana sini and usik2 Aisy.. dah pergi mengadap Ilahi.. Baim.. sape tak kenal Baim? dia memang mesra dengan semua orang.. and always positive.. last jumpa Baim masa 19 July harituh, masa kitaorg pergi visit.. wajah dia memang i tak dapat nak kenal… lain sangat… dah tak dengar suara dia menyanyi.. dah tak macam dulu… mak dia kata dia relapse.. sayu je tengok dia macam tuh.. semoga mak n ayah dia diberi kekuatan, kesabaran dan keredhaan dalam mengharungi dugaan Allah dengan pemergian wira mereka..

Ya Allah… kau tabahkanlah hati2 kami untuk menerima segala ketentuanMu Ya Rabb.. Kau peliharalah dan lindungilah anak-anak kami di dunia dan di akhirat.. dan jadikanlah kami di kalangan hamba-hambaMu yang Kau kasihi.. :(



Update on Aisy

Salaam everyone.. its been awhile since my last post.. which is good coz maksudnya Aisy takde ape2 masalah in his health insyaallah.. but just for updates, Aisy’s latest check up was on 10th July masa bulan puasa harituh.. and syukur Alhamdulillah, his kidney dah tak bengkak and no progress on the tumour.. and since all is going well, the oncologist, first time jumpa doctor ni, slalu jumpa Dr. Z jer.. but this time jumpa this other doctor.. she said lepas ni tak payah buat ultrasound scan every month dah.. mulai skarang, cuma buat sekali dalam dua bulan jer.. happynyer dengar..

Tapi… haaa ade tapi… haihh.. tapi aisy kena buat chemo port flushing.. haaa?? tapi Aisy dah tak flush dah tiga bulan! sebab harituh Dr. Z cakap takyah flush dah sebab dah nak buang.. but this doctor insist kena flush jugak.. she said it is IMPORTANT to always do flushing.. haiyoo.. mula la i nak panic kan.. mestilah dah sumbat kan sebab dah 3 bulan tak flush?? what will happen to Aisy kalau dia tak buat flushing and benda tuh sumbat?? macam biaselah, me being tak puas hati.. pergi bilik sebelah and tanya Dr.Z, “camne nie? kata dah tak payah flush and now this doctor suruh flush? Aisy dah tiga bulan tak buat flushing..i thought u said tak payah dah?” huhuh Dr.Z diam jap and masuk bilik dia..

After few minutes, she came in and said, “Takpe, tak payah flush, i already called the doctor kat ward cancer tuh and we will get you the closest date untuk remove chemo port dia, we will call u and tell u the date.. it should be somewhere near Raya.. so maybe takleh balik kampong la..”

Hmmmm….okay.. that’s good if we can get the closest date la kan but we might have to cancel the Penang trip… huhu… takpelah as long as its out.. im happy.. and so dah selesai semua.. we went home..


And now, we still haven’t got the date for his chemo port removal… kerisauan melampau.. and every week mesti call doctor kat ward to ask the status.. being the persistent mom that i am hehe.. but Dr.N has been really nice to entertain my calls and try to accommodate as much as he can.. we haven’t been given a date because memang waiting list sangat panjang and selalu ade emergency cases.. so memang susah nak dapat the Operation Theatre (OT) for this.. i understand but im just so worried sebab Dr kata, if tak buat flushing lama, can cause thrombosis.. which is blood clot yang boleh menyebabkan peredaran darah terganggu and menyebabkan tisu yang tak dapat supply darah and oksigen tuh mati.. haihhh.. naudzubillah.. i really hope this does not happen.. aisy dah sihat.. i taknak lah benda ni jadi ancaman to his health kan.. hopefully dapatlah date for next week.. hari2 pikir.. Plus we are still waiting for a date untuk buat MRI before year end..semoga dipermudahkan segalanya..

Pray for Aisy..

Monday, 2 June 2014

Aisy's monthly scan

Salaam n greetings readers, its been awhile but theres not much to update since Aisy is now only going for his regular check up every month with his oncoligist.. And another with the neurosurgeon.. 

Well last Thursday, we went to the paediatric institution, did his ultrasound scan and clinic check up..

Menangis la dia kat atas katil masa scan tuh, nangis mcm kena pukul.. Sampai sedu sedan.. Then trus crawl up kat ketiak ayah dia and fell asleep tertungging heheheh poor baby.. Tired of crying..

Alhamdulillah doctor said the tumour has no progression.. Means it didnt grow and nothing weird kat abdomen dia.. But unfortunately his kidney is still mildly swollen.. Still dunno what the cause is n still have to observe his urine n all that.. 
Otherwise he is doing very well n is indeed very active alhamdulillah.. We will be meeting the neurosurgeon on the 17th just to keep him updated of his condition.. 

Ohh and after his check up, Aisy visited his cancer mate at the main building kat ward mata coz kwn dia retinoblastoma, tak sempat nak bergambar coz they had to leave for surgery masa kitaorg sampai.. Diaorg sempat bagi buah tangan jer dari Kedah.. Time kasehhh!! 

So lets keep praying for Aisy to be cancer free for life and also for those children who are still fighting.. May God give us strength.. :)

Oh yea, n the cat kat depan main building tuh takut dgn Aisy coz Aisy asyik nak kiss dia jer hahaha.. Aisy loves meeooowww..

Friday, 11 April 2014


First and foremost, my ultimate gratitude for Allah s.w.t for the mercy he has showed us... Alhamdulillah..

Yesterday, as some of you might know, we went to the institute pediatrik for Aisy’s regular check up with his oncologist and also to get his MIBG scan results..

First lemme explain that the MIBG scan is a scan that uses radioactive that will pick up on active cancer cells.. the radioactive substance will give a reaction if there are any cancer cells in the body... yesterday.. the Oncologist told us that the scan did not pick up anything.. it didn’t detect anything... my jaw dropped... mata dah berair.. jantung stop kejap... rasa terharu dengan pemberian Allah ni.. tapi kejap2.. betul ke? like seriously???

Doctor said, “Well but we still have to make sure he goes for check up as usual because for MIBG scan, it’s only 90% accurate.. so there is still that 10% doubt and the tumour is still there, cuma it might be benign (not active).. but whatever it is, it’s good news”... ALHAMDULILLAH...

Honestly at that time, perasaan macam2 sgt.. rasa happy.. rasa risau pun ade.. takut harapan palsu.. betul ke results aisy ni? bukan tersalah results ke? rasa nak jerit kuat2 pun ade.. Ya Allah, jika betul keputusan ini.. aku bersyukur padaMu atas pemberian rezeki kesihatan anakku.. dan janganlah Engkau kembalikan penyakitnya itu...

I tengah tulis ni pun, pale otak masih blum boleh register yang Aisy is actually getting better.. rasa macam mimpi jerr.. All praises to Allah..

But my heart is still sad to see and hear about Aisy’s fellow fighters yang masih di ward cancer tuh.. So i have to share everything that we did for Aisy to battle his cancer.. the food.. the supplement..the pantang.. and religious practice insyaallah.. here goes.. let’s start with food..

Food that we AVOID giving to Aisy:

1) Bread/Roti (it has yeast which is some sort of fungus)

2) Cultured drinks/Minuman kultur (e.g. Vitagen, Yakult etc)

3) Yogurt

4) Nuts/Kacang

5) Mushrooms/Cendawan

6) Chicken/Ayam (except for ayam kampong – the ones yang tak inject)

7) Daging


So far itu je yang i rasa kitaorg tak bagi Aisy makan.. Aisy selalunya makan ikan la... and sayur2 and buah2...if i ingat ape lagi yang kitaorg pantang, nanti i update this post..

So next, supplement anti-cancer yang kitaorg bagi pada Aisy.. dia consume hari2.. so far baru sebulan setengah dia makan supplement2 ni semua..sebab kitaorg stop treatment dia.. so kena lah berubat cara lain kan.. tapi kitaorg mmg dah STOP CHEMO tau, so untuk mereka yang anak masih chemo, saya tak tau ape reaction kalau dia amik supplement2 ni.. so jaga2 yer..  we gave him all theANTI-CANCER SUPPLEMENTS yang kitaorg rasa okay.. this is the list..

1) 4Life Transfer Factor Plus (capsule tapi kitaorg bukak capsule and letak dlm susu dia)

2) Riovida Multi-Berry Juice (campuran macam2 berries, letak dlm susu dia jugak)

3) Sabah Snake Grass Plus (beli online dari company U-turn, dia mcm pati, so letak dlm susu)

4) Habatussauda Oil (makanan sunnah yg dijanjikan merawat semua penyakit kecuali mati.. dlm bentuk    oil, senang letak dlm susu)

5) Apricot Kernel Oil (minyak biji apricot, letak dlm susu gak)

6) Dried Apricot (Buah Apricot kering)

7) Kurma Ajwa (makanan sunnah jugak yg dikenali utk merawat penyakit)

8) Air zam-zam (yang dijampi SENDIRI – lebih afdhal jika ibu bapa sendiri yang membaca ayat2 suci Al-Quran dan doa pada air minum dan makanan anak, insyaallah)

Okayy.. so itulah semua supplement yang anti-cancer.. kitaorg try nak bagi soursop tapi banyak sgt fiber tuh, susah Aisy nak makan, asyik sangkut kat tekak jer..maybe bila dah besar skit kot.. okay so here comes the crucial part.. part ni memang sangat penting.. untuk seorang Muslim.. kita harus berserah kepada Allah 100%.. apa saje yang kita dapat.. apa saje yang kita tak dapat.. atau apa saje yang kita dapat dan diambil kembali.. semua kena berserah pada Dia... theres no other way.. setiap keputusan yang kita buat, kita minta Allah berikan yang terbaik.. bagi kita nampak akan kebenaran dalam setiap langkah, setiap keputusan dan setiap urusan kita.. lepastuh, bila dah buat keputusan, yakin 120% dengan Allah.. baik atau tidak kesudahannya untuk kita... kita kena terima yang keputusan itulah yang terbaik sebab kita dah mintak petunjuk Allah.. jangan sesekali sangsi akan petunjuk Allah.. tidak ada seusatu yang terjadi dalam dunia ini tanpa izinNya.. bear that in mind..

Sebelum ni, sejak December tak silap saya, kita bawak Aisy untuk rawatan Islam (ilmu tapak tangan syahadah- 99 nama Allah).. kita bawak dia di Kajang.. hubby dapat tau sebab kat tempat kerja ni, salah sorang anak murid Tuan Haji tuh keje kat situ.. so hubby berkenalan dgn sahabat ni and dpt tahu pasal rawatan Islam tuh..mula2 i sangat skeptikal dengan rawatan2 yang macam ni.. sebab tak caya kat orang, takut orangnya tak jujur atau guna benda2 halus kan.. cuak jugak mula2 tuh.. tapi hubby nampak confident jerrr.. so i pun agree lah.. jadi kita bawak Aisy untuk setiap minggu lah.. then lepas tiga kali tak silap saya.. rawatan dia pun dah habis.. then masuk tahun ni.. kitaorg dah tak payah pegi kajang dah sebab rakan sekerja hubby ni kira dah graduate lah dengan Tuan Haji insyaallah.. so bawak ke damansara jer..tak pun dia datang rumah.. Alhamdulillah selain daripada buat rawatan pada Aisy, banyak ilmu agama yang dapat saya n hubby pelajari.. saya rasa bersyukur ditemukan dengan Tuan Haji dan sahabat sorang ni sebab melalui mereka, Allah telah memanggil saya n hubby untuk membuka mata hati dan melihat Islam secara lebih jelas Alhamdulillah.. Jadi, sampai sekarang, kita buat jugak sekali sekala dengan sahabat ni untuk rawatan Aisy.. kita usahakan, insyaallah, kita akan dapat yang terbaik dari Allah s.w.t.

Okay... so yang mana supplement atau air minum or air zamzamyang boleh, saya akan baca surah2 Al-Quran yang dinasihatkan oleh orang ramai.. seperti di bawah ini... selain itu, bacaan surah yassin dan doa pada setiap supplement, air zam-zam, minuman, makanan yang mana yang mampu saya buat.. sorry tapi saya kurang yakin dengan produk2 air jampi yang dijual di pasaran, bukan sebab tak percaya pada orang yang membaca tuh, cuma kadang2 ada pihak yang mengambil kesempatan kaut keuntungan dan menjual air biase je tapi dia cakap konon2 dah dibaca 30 juzuk dan sebagainya..

Jadi, saya buat sendiri.. lagipun kan dah dikatakan doa ibu bapa pada anaknya insyaallah akan termakbul.. jadi, baiklah kita buat sendiri mane yang mampu insyaallah..

Selain itu, solat-solat sunat jugak amat digalakkan.. solat taubat, solat tahajjud, solat hajat haruslah diamalkan sebanyak yang mampu... saya pun tak dapat nak buat hari2.. insyaallah buat bila boleh.. dan usahakan sedikit untuk bolehkan buat insyaallah.. dan bila nak kena buat keputusan bila doctor nak suruh tambah chemo ke buat operation ke.. solat istiqarah lahh banyak2.. kalau tak sempat solat..doa istiqarah.. banyak2 mintak petunjuk.. dan yakin dengan keputusan yang dibuat selepas itu..

Sapukan air zam-zam pada badan anak.. selawat dan zikir banyak2 pada Allah.. tinggalkan segala yang dilarang sebab kadang2.. apa yang Allah bagi ini adalah sebab dosa2 kita.. anak2 kita masih suci.. ahli syurga.. belum ada dosa.. jadi kita kenalah bersihkan diri dari semua yang terlarang..

Ini adalah sebahagian daripada ayat 44, Surah Al-Fussilat:

...“Katakanlah, Al-Quran itu, menjadi (cahaya) petunjuk serta penawar bagi orang-orang yang beriman”...

Satu lagi amalan yg sgt2 penting yg harus dibuat.. Sadaqah.. Banyakkan sedekah kpd mereka yg memerlukan.. Ahli keluarga yg kesempitan wang.. Rakan2 yg x cukup duit.. Blanja diaorg makan.. Beli la pisang ke kuih muih utk bg kwn2 office makan ke.. Bagi pada security guard mane2 ke.. Macam2 cara n macam2 org kita boleh tolong.. Senyum pun dah jadi sedekah.. Rasa duit tak cukup utk buat sedekah? Jgn risau, kerana yakinkan Allah, insyaallah rezeki yang masuk akan sama dgn rezeki yg keluar.. Malah mungkin akan berlioat kali ganda lagi.. Kita sedekah ikut kemampuan lah.. Kalau ade rm100, bagi lah rm30 utk sedekah.. Kan ade lagi rm70, haa itu buat susu anak ke.. Kalau ade rm20? Bagi lah rm5 ke.. Kalau tidak memudaratkan.. Ringankan tangan memberi bantuan.. Sedekah ilmu, sedekah masa pun boleh.. Dlm hati, kerana Allah taala.. Bila nak buat sedekah tuh, bagi pihak anak kita yg cancer ni pun elok.. Yg penting, kena ingat, duit dlm purse atau wallet tuh, bukan kita punya pun.. Kita pinjam sekejap jer.. Ia akan pergi pada yang berhak.. Jadi, banyakkanlah sedekah.. Insyaallah.. Itu antara rawatan penyakit yg berkesan.. 

Insyaallah dengan berkat usaha, doa dan tawakal kepada Allah, He will only give the best to us.. Yakin 100%.. Percaya 100%.. Redha 100%.. memang senang lah untuk saya cakap kan? sebab anak saya dah semakin pulih insyaallah.. tapi saya pun tak tahu kesudahannya.. siapa yang tau kesudahan seseorang itu? cuma kita kena doa supaya kita redha dengan setiap pemberianNya dan setiap apa yang diambil semula..

Insyaallah i will still continue to fight for childhood cancer awareness.. we will still try our best to get more for our little fighters..

I will update on Aisy’s progress from time to time insyaallah.. Thank you all for your support and donation that gave Aisy a chance to consume all these supplements and get better.. May God bless you and your family good health and wealth and happiness together..