Wednesday 20 November 2013

Chemoport removal and re-insertion

Salaam all.. sorry ive been quite busy handling life as it comes.. okay, so to continue the last entry.. Alhamdulillah the next day (29 October 2013) aisy recovered fully from the general anaesthetic (GA)..

Datuk came to visit and said that aisy is to do an ultrasound today because they want to see his jugular veins at his neck for chemoport re-insertion.. it turns out diaorg nak remove chemoport yang dah rosak ni and insert a new one..hmm... nape nak kena insert new one since kita tak tau pun result ct scan dia lagi.. what if he doesn’t need anymore chemo after this? I tanya Datuk, but he gave an answer yang tak clear tapi indicate that mcm dia dah tgk the ct scan result, so looks like aisy needs more chemo lah.. but Datuk tak discuss lebih dgn i because itu kena tunggu oncology yang explain.. hmm okay.. if he says so, takpelah.. sebab i pun taknak aisy asyik keluar masuk surgery jer. So sekali jalan jelah.. buang chemo port lama n pasang baru at the same time..

Tapi ape2 pun kena buat ultrasound dulu sebab nak tengok saluran darah dia okay ke tidak.. diaorg nak tau nak pasang port baru tuh kat mana..kiri or kanan..

Tunggu punya tunggu.. dah tengah hari..hmmm..bila nak buat ultrasound ni? 

Tunggu...tungguu... tunggu... dah kul 3pm.. hadoii.. nie dah kali ke berapa i tanya nurse and doctor bila diaorg nak panggil aisy to do ultrasound.. so they checked with the people kat tempat tuh, they said they have received the request, Cuma kena turn jer since ramai yang nak scan harituh.. oklahh.. my only concern is that tempat scan tuh tutup kul 5pm..and its already 430pm.. malas la nak tunda benda tuh and do nothing the whole day... 445pm barulahh diaorg panggil.. fuhh..nasib baik.. so we went.. aisy mcm biasa lah..meronta2 nangis bila kena restrain.. nangis sampai tertido..sian dia.. so diaorg tengok, it looks like the right side mcm tak brape elok sebab damaged by the previous chemoport kat situ dulu.. so they said maybe letak port baru kat tempat sama (which is on the left chest) tapi tube maybe masuk melalui area kat pelvis dia.. hahh??? Melalui pelvis?? Biar betul?? Messed up betul saluran darah anak aku? Ya Allah..permudahkanlah...

So the ultrasound was done..tunggu ajelah esok untuk surgery.. aisy surgery pukul 3pm.. wahh tak pernah2 dia surgery petang..selama ni dia mesti first case or second case..pagi2 dah buat.. but now that dia dah older.. jadi la case kelima atau keenam..shian kena puasa start pukul 9am.. oh and he had fever so his surgery might be cancelled.. aduhaii i really hope not.. so i mandikan dia n all that to bring his temperature down..Datuk kata if by afternoon dia still fever, then we cancel the surgery.. no no no.. jgnlah tunda2..tuam lah pale dia..ketiak dia..blakang dia.. and left him naked biar sejuk skit.. then bila tgh hari, nurse check temperature.. Alhamdulillah.. 37.2.. yeayy.. lega sangat aisy dah tak demam n can proceed with surgery..

Hmm bila tgh hari dah mula lapar.. nangis nangis nangis...sampai tertidur.. tak larat dah.. alahai anak ibu..

Then around 1pm.. nurse suruh packing2 n siap2 untuk pegi operation theatre.. now the OT kat paediatric is under renovation, so kena guna OT kat main building.. kenalah naik ambulance to go there.. then about 145pm..kitaorg sampai the main building.. suka aisy naik ambulance heheh.. then i had to wear all the surgery clothing n what not.. pastuh tunggu at the waiting area.. aisy ngamuk2..nak tido.. nak susu.. alahai..finally berjaya to calm him down and bagi dia tido.. after sejam tunggu.. around 245pm baru diaorg panggil masuk.. okay.. masa sudah time.. they put him down..i kissed him goodbye and left the OT.. Ya Allah selamatkanlah anak aku.. permudahkanlah segala urusan..

4.40pm.. Mama aisy??? Eh..dah siap ke? Alhamdulillah.. i tunggu sampai tertidur kat waiting area.. so i rushed to go and see him.. Alhamdulillah anak ibu okay.. and thank God..they managed to insert port n tube baru kat tempat yg sama (kiri) and takyah nak masuk tube kat pelvic and all that.. syukur Ya Allah..

So i carried him in my arms and waited for the ambulance to come.. his tok mama tengah tunggu kat ward.. around 5pm plus ambulance datang..

Sampai ward, jumpa my mom.. and aisy main kejap dgn tok mama dia n went to sleep...still drowsy from the GA..

Doctor came n said if everything is okay..esok boleh balik but have to see the oncology doctor first before getting discharged..

Oh yeah..this time around ayah aisy cannot take turn to jaga aisy at hospital coz he has got a new job.. so tak boleh la nak cuti2 lagi.. so i took charge lah hehe.. then suddenly i demam pulak.. badan seram sejuk.. so mintak tolong my sis in law to stay over jaga aisy for that nite.

The next morning, i went to the hospital..then my sis in law left for her class.. Alhamdulillah aisy okay..but his fever datang balik.. kesian since takleh mandi coz baru surgery.. asyik lap badan jelah.. then around 5pm.. agak lambat lah.. oncology doctor pun dtg..and my mom pun dah datang..he said just come for aisy punya appointment with onco clinic lah seperti yang dah plan tuh.. his appointment is on 20th November 2013.. so oklah.. since demam aisy pun dah surut, boleh balik dulu.... pastuh tunggu punya tunggu.. dah kul 7pm nih.. nape nurse tak bagi lagi discharge note semua? Then tanya diaorg..katanya diaorg tak dpt instruction pun pasal nak discharge kan kitaorg.. aikkk.. bukan datuk dah kata ke? Alahaiii.. medical officer tak habaq lah tuh.. and now kena tunggu doctor yg on call untuk dtg and discharge us..

 tunggu punya tunggu.. Maid i pun dah bohsan tahap gaban tunggu heheheh.. doctor came around 9pm plus.. mak aihh lambatnya.. so we left almost 10pm..balik umah..where ayah aisy is aisy dapatlah lepas rindu to his ayah.. eventho ayahnyer datang everynite after work, tak sempat nak play pun sebab aisy is usually knocked out cold.. and so.. all is well insyaallah..tunggulah 20th November 2013..

By the way, 3rd november ni is aisy's first bday.. So kitaorg dah plan dah celebrate on the 2nd nov dah lama dah but suddenly when this happened, kena put on hold dulu.. So since on 31st oct aisy dah discharge, boleh la continue with d plan , alhamdulillah.. 

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