20th November 2013.. was six days ago.. Aisy ade appointment dengan oncology clinic dekat institute pediatrik.. as i mention before dalam recent post, appointment ni is to discuss aisy punya ct scan and future plans..
So we arrived kat IP around 9.00a.m. hubby dropped me n aisy while dia gi carik parking.. so i went to the klinik pakar area.. hamik number, registered.. bayor rm5..and letak aisy punya nombor giliran in the box pintu nombor 6.. that is the oncology clinic.. ramai pagi tuh.. as usual.. bila tengok sekeliling.. kesian budak2 ni.. macam2 penyakit, macam2 rasa sakit.. but still they are determined to live happily.. so we as parents, will have to do our best to provide and give the best for our children kan... haihhh.. sayu hati..
So hubby pun sampai..dah dapat parking..mesti double parking.. biaselah kat IP susah sangat nak carik parking..huhu.. so neways..tunggu turn while aisy mingle dengan budak2 kat situ.. dia belai2 kepala budak ni..pegang2 muka orang tuh..hehehehe ..friendly as usual..
After awhile..tak lama sangat pun.. Doctor panggil kitaorg masuk.. so first of all.. doctor tanya aisy’s condition.. after explaining that he is doing well.. she asked to bukak kasut n socks aisy.. she checked his kaki.. ketuk lutut n check reflex.. all the things to check his saraf pinggang ke bawah is working well.. so far Alhamdulillah, all is well for now doctor said..
So.. next..doctor explained.. “okay.. so apparently tumour dia masih ade lagi dekat spine dia according to the CT scan, as you can see here”, doctor tunjuk CT scan film to us.. from the film, it shows thatade tumour around his spine and inside his spine.. dekat L4 and L5.. hmmm.. okay.. actually it is expected.. so hubby and i macam tak surprise..altho we always pray for a miracle la kan..
Oh by the way.. hubby and I also bring aisy to rawatan Islam sementara tunggu results CT scan ni.. kena ikhtiar la kan.. so anyway, doctor cakap diaorg nak refer aisy to neurosurgeon.. neurosurgeon??? Biar betul?? Operate again? Hmm.. i told the doctor.. “hmm..doctor..if nak operate lagi.. husband and i taknak kot..after what aisy kena go thru after major surgery last august.. X sanggup.. Especially spine pulak tuh”... doctor Cuma senyum je bila i ckp camtuh.. then she said takpe, kita takkan buat without your consent.. so the plan is to continue four cycles of chemo, surgery tuh depends on what the neurosurgeon says, whether boleh buat or tak.. because the spine, of course, is one of the most dangerous parts to operate on kan..but if chemo takleh get rid of the cancer cells.. then maybe tambah two more cycles...
“So ada beza ke chemo yang baru ni compared to the one yang aisy pernah buat?”I asked...Doctor replied, “Yes, actually this time the chemo will be stronger.. dulu carboplatin and etoposide jer.. since cancer to tak response the chemo.. kita buat yang baru ni which is going to be combination of three different drugs yang lagi kuat.. andinstead of tiga hari berturut2..its going to be LIMA hari berturut2..”.
Wow...seriously?? dalam hati n pale otak ni dah macam2 dah fikir.. what will happen to him kalau buat chemo tuh? Is he going to be okay? Now that he is bigger, mesti side effects lagi teruk..? kalau badan dia takleh cope up with the strength of the chemo camne? Will it be the end of everything? Tapi mcm mane kalau chemo yg kuat ni pun takleh bagi effect ape2 pun kat cancer cell dia, what then? Tambah lagi drugs? Tukar lagi drugs? Sampai bila? Pastu anak aku jadi apa? Ya Allah.. Kau berikanlah hidayah dan petunjukMu supaya kami dapat membuat keputusan yang terbaik untuk Aisy Ezkandar..
While doctor is writing down some notes and forms for us.. to arrange appointment for the next visit at the onco clinic, buat ultrasound and appointment with surgeon.. i asked..
”Honestly doctor, can u give me a truthful statistics on the survival rate for neuroblastoma (NB) cases?... i mean, dekat IP ni, brape orang since the first case yang survive sebenarnya?”
She looked at me with sympathy and said.. “hmm......honestly.. sorang dua jer......................................this is because bila patient dah cancer-free after treatment, the cancer relapse.. NB in majority cases memang relapse.. cancer tuh datang balik..and usually when it relapse................................chances tuh... hmmm.... susah sikit lah....”. this was what the doctor said to me..
“So kalau stage 4s macam mane doctor? (readers, stage 4s is the safest stage for NB, u can google this or tgk my post awal2 dulu)... Doctor explained,” Usually kita bagi fiver-year survival rate.. so maksudnya.. kalau ade 10 orang yang kena NB stage 4s, by the time diaorg reach umur lima tahun.. about 6 orang yg akan survive, which means survival rate is 60% for stage 4s..mengikut statistics lah..”...
“Ohh.. itu untuk 4s kan.. so what about stage 3 or 4 nih?”, I asked...
.................................................................. (Doctor just smiled)...................
Hmmm...okay... doctor pun tak sampai hati nak cakap sebenarnya.. its ok.. i understand..
So okay, we will arrange the appointment with the neurosurgeon doctor kata, eventho kita taknak surgery tapi apa salahnyer dengar the surgeon explain the situation kan.. so lepas dah selesai semua explanation and paperwork.. doctor asked to book date for ultrasound in January, flush chemoport and amik darah kat unit rawatan harian.. okay.. so kitaorg pun thank the doctor for being nice and patient with us.. hehehe .. we went to book the date.. 2ndJanuary 2014.. for ultrasound.. then gi flush port and amik darah, Alhamdulillah all went well.. cuak jugak sebab aisy baru tukar port baru kan.. so after all that.. kita pun pulang lah.. so for now, we will continue the rawatan Islam... and wait for the call to confirm the date to meet the neurosurgeon..
Buat sementara waktu ni.. Kena cuba sedaya upaya to prepare myself for the worse.. and always pray for the best... Allah knows best..