Friday, 11 April 2014


First and foremost, my ultimate gratitude for Allah s.w.t for the mercy he has showed us... Alhamdulillah..

Yesterday, as some of you might know, we went to the institute pediatrik for Aisy’s regular check up with his oncologist and also to get his MIBG scan results..

First lemme explain that the MIBG scan is a scan that uses radioactive that will pick up on active cancer cells.. the radioactive substance will give a reaction if there are any cancer cells in the body... yesterday.. the Oncologist told us that the scan did not pick up anything.. it didn’t detect anything... my jaw dropped... mata dah berair.. jantung stop kejap... rasa terharu dengan pemberian Allah ni.. tapi kejap2.. betul ke? like seriously???

Doctor said, “Well but we still have to make sure he goes for check up as usual because for MIBG scan, it’s only 90% accurate.. so there is still that 10% doubt and the tumour is still there, cuma it might be benign (not active).. but whatever it is, it’s good news”... ALHAMDULILLAH...

Honestly at that time, perasaan macam2 sgt.. rasa happy.. rasa risau pun ade.. takut harapan palsu.. betul ke results aisy ni? bukan tersalah results ke? rasa nak jerit kuat2 pun ade.. Ya Allah, jika betul keputusan ini.. aku bersyukur padaMu atas pemberian rezeki kesihatan anakku.. dan janganlah Engkau kembalikan penyakitnya itu...

I tengah tulis ni pun, pale otak masih blum boleh register yang Aisy is actually getting better.. rasa macam mimpi jerr.. All praises to Allah..

But my heart is still sad to see and hear about Aisy’s fellow fighters yang masih di ward cancer tuh.. So i have to share everything that we did for Aisy to battle his cancer.. the food.. the supplement..the pantang.. and religious practice insyaallah.. here goes.. let’s start with food..

Food that we AVOID giving to Aisy:

1) Bread/Roti (it has yeast which is some sort of fungus)

2) Cultured drinks/Minuman kultur (e.g. Vitagen, Yakult etc)

3) Yogurt

4) Nuts/Kacang

5) Mushrooms/Cendawan

6) Chicken/Ayam (except for ayam kampong – the ones yang tak inject)

7) Daging


So far itu je yang i rasa kitaorg tak bagi Aisy makan.. Aisy selalunya makan ikan la... and sayur2 and buah2...if i ingat ape lagi yang kitaorg pantang, nanti i update this post..

So next, supplement anti-cancer yang kitaorg bagi pada Aisy.. dia consume hari2.. so far baru sebulan setengah dia makan supplement2 ni semua..sebab kitaorg stop treatment dia.. so kena lah berubat cara lain kan.. tapi kitaorg mmg dah STOP CHEMO tau, so untuk mereka yang anak masih chemo, saya tak tau ape reaction kalau dia amik supplement2 ni.. so jaga2 yer..  we gave him all theANTI-CANCER SUPPLEMENTS yang kitaorg rasa okay.. this is the list..

1) 4Life Transfer Factor Plus (capsule tapi kitaorg bukak capsule and letak dlm susu dia)

2) Riovida Multi-Berry Juice (campuran macam2 berries, letak dlm susu dia jugak)

3) Sabah Snake Grass Plus (beli online dari company U-turn, dia mcm pati, so letak dlm susu)

4) Habatussauda Oil (makanan sunnah yg dijanjikan merawat semua penyakit kecuali mati.. dlm bentuk    oil, senang letak dlm susu)

5) Apricot Kernel Oil (minyak biji apricot, letak dlm susu gak)

6) Dried Apricot (Buah Apricot kering)

7) Kurma Ajwa (makanan sunnah jugak yg dikenali utk merawat penyakit)

8) Air zam-zam (yang dijampi SENDIRI – lebih afdhal jika ibu bapa sendiri yang membaca ayat2 suci Al-Quran dan doa pada air minum dan makanan anak, insyaallah)

Okayy.. so itulah semua supplement yang anti-cancer.. kitaorg try nak bagi soursop tapi banyak sgt fiber tuh, susah Aisy nak makan, asyik sangkut kat tekak jer..maybe bila dah besar skit kot.. okay so here comes the crucial part.. part ni memang sangat penting.. untuk seorang Muslim.. kita harus berserah kepada Allah 100%.. apa saje yang kita dapat.. apa saje yang kita tak dapat.. atau apa saje yang kita dapat dan diambil kembali.. semua kena berserah pada Dia... theres no other way.. setiap keputusan yang kita buat, kita minta Allah berikan yang terbaik.. bagi kita nampak akan kebenaran dalam setiap langkah, setiap keputusan dan setiap urusan kita.. lepastuh, bila dah buat keputusan, yakin 120% dengan Allah.. baik atau tidak kesudahannya untuk kita... kita kena terima yang keputusan itulah yang terbaik sebab kita dah mintak petunjuk Allah.. jangan sesekali sangsi akan petunjuk Allah.. tidak ada seusatu yang terjadi dalam dunia ini tanpa izinNya.. bear that in mind..

Sebelum ni, sejak December tak silap saya, kita bawak Aisy untuk rawatan Islam (ilmu tapak tangan syahadah- 99 nama Allah).. kita bawak dia di Kajang.. hubby dapat tau sebab kat tempat kerja ni, salah sorang anak murid Tuan Haji tuh keje kat situ.. so hubby berkenalan dgn sahabat ni and dpt tahu pasal rawatan Islam tuh..mula2 i sangat skeptikal dengan rawatan2 yang macam ni.. sebab tak caya kat orang, takut orangnya tak jujur atau guna benda2 halus kan.. cuak jugak mula2 tuh.. tapi hubby nampak confident jerrr.. so i pun agree lah.. jadi kita bawak Aisy untuk setiap minggu lah.. then lepas tiga kali tak silap saya.. rawatan dia pun dah habis.. then masuk tahun ni.. kitaorg dah tak payah pegi kajang dah sebab rakan sekerja hubby ni kira dah graduate lah dengan Tuan Haji insyaallah.. so bawak ke damansara jer..tak pun dia datang rumah.. Alhamdulillah selain daripada buat rawatan pada Aisy, banyak ilmu agama yang dapat saya n hubby pelajari.. saya rasa bersyukur ditemukan dengan Tuan Haji dan sahabat sorang ni sebab melalui mereka, Allah telah memanggil saya n hubby untuk membuka mata hati dan melihat Islam secara lebih jelas Alhamdulillah.. Jadi, sampai sekarang, kita buat jugak sekali sekala dengan sahabat ni untuk rawatan Aisy.. kita usahakan, insyaallah, kita akan dapat yang terbaik dari Allah s.w.t.

Okay... so yang mana supplement atau air minum or air zamzamyang boleh, saya akan baca surah2 Al-Quran yang dinasihatkan oleh orang ramai.. seperti di bawah ini... selain itu, bacaan surah yassin dan doa pada setiap supplement, air zam-zam, minuman, makanan yang mana yang mampu saya buat.. sorry tapi saya kurang yakin dengan produk2 air jampi yang dijual di pasaran, bukan sebab tak percaya pada orang yang membaca tuh, cuma kadang2 ada pihak yang mengambil kesempatan kaut keuntungan dan menjual air biase je tapi dia cakap konon2 dah dibaca 30 juzuk dan sebagainya..

Jadi, saya buat sendiri.. lagipun kan dah dikatakan doa ibu bapa pada anaknya insyaallah akan termakbul.. jadi, baiklah kita buat sendiri mane yang mampu insyaallah..

Selain itu, solat-solat sunat jugak amat digalakkan.. solat taubat, solat tahajjud, solat hajat haruslah diamalkan sebanyak yang mampu... saya pun tak dapat nak buat hari2.. insyaallah buat bila boleh.. dan usahakan sedikit untuk bolehkan buat insyaallah.. dan bila nak kena buat keputusan bila doctor nak suruh tambah chemo ke buat operation ke.. solat istiqarah lahh banyak2.. kalau tak sempat solat..doa istiqarah.. banyak2 mintak petunjuk.. dan yakin dengan keputusan yang dibuat selepas itu..

Sapukan air zam-zam pada badan anak.. selawat dan zikir banyak2 pada Allah.. tinggalkan segala yang dilarang sebab kadang2.. apa yang Allah bagi ini adalah sebab dosa2 kita.. anak2 kita masih suci.. ahli syurga.. belum ada dosa.. jadi kita kenalah bersihkan diri dari semua yang terlarang..

Ini adalah sebahagian daripada ayat 44, Surah Al-Fussilat:

...“Katakanlah, Al-Quran itu, menjadi (cahaya) petunjuk serta penawar bagi orang-orang yang beriman”...

Satu lagi amalan yg sgt2 penting yg harus dibuat.. Sadaqah.. Banyakkan sedekah kpd mereka yg memerlukan.. Ahli keluarga yg kesempitan wang.. Rakan2 yg x cukup duit.. Blanja diaorg makan.. Beli la pisang ke kuih muih utk bg kwn2 office makan ke.. Bagi pada security guard mane2 ke.. Macam2 cara n macam2 org kita boleh tolong.. Senyum pun dah jadi sedekah.. Rasa duit tak cukup utk buat sedekah? Jgn risau, kerana yakinkan Allah, insyaallah rezeki yang masuk akan sama dgn rezeki yg keluar.. Malah mungkin akan berlioat kali ganda lagi.. Kita sedekah ikut kemampuan lah.. Kalau ade rm100, bagi lah rm30 utk sedekah.. Kan ade lagi rm70, haa itu buat susu anak ke.. Kalau ade rm20? Bagi lah rm5 ke.. Kalau tidak memudaratkan.. Ringankan tangan memberi bantuan.. Sedekah ilmu, sedekah masa pun boleh.. Dlm hati, kerana Allah taala.. Bila nak buat sedekah tuh, bagi pihak anak kita yg cancer ni pun elok.. Yg penting, kena ingat, duit dlm purse atau wallet tuh, bukan kita punya pun.. Kita pinjam sekejap jer.. Ia akan pergi pada yang berhak.. Jadi, banyakkanlah sedekah.. Insyaallah.. Itu antara rawatan penyakit yg berkesan.. 

Insyaallah dengan berkat usaha, doa dan tawakal kepada Allah, He will only give the best to us.. Yakin 100%.. Percaya 100%.. Redha 100%.. memang senang lah untuk saya cakap kan? sebab anak saya dah semakin pulih insyaallah.. tapi saya pun tak tahu kesudahannya.. siapa yang tau kesudahan seseorang itu? cuma kita kena doa supaya kita redha dengan setiap pemberianNya dan setiap apa yang diambil semula..

Insyaallah i will still continue to fight for childhood cancer awareness.. we will still try our best to get more for our little fighters..

I will update on Aisy’s progress from time to time insyaallah.. Thank you all for your support and donation that gave Aisy a chance to consume all these supplements and get better.. May God bless you and your family good health and wealth and happiness together..

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Side effects of chemotherapy/radiotherapy on our children which doctors might not have explained

Hi all, this post is just to share with all of you about some of the many side effects of chemotherapy (chemo) and radiotherapy (RT) on our children. Banyak side effects kat sini yang doctor tak pernah explain to me or my hubby masa kitaorg buat chemo for Aisy... ni semua atas dasar usaha research sendiri dan bantuan daripada org2 yg tak dikenali yang share fakta2 ni.. sorry tapi mostly memang in English.. susah nak cari in bahasa..

Selalunya doctor or hospital selalu ceritakan side effects yang immediate, yang kita akan nampak semasa anak2 kita tengah buat chemo or RT.. macam rambut gugur, kulit jadi gelap, muntah2, ulcer, loya, darah merah turun, immune system turun dan mcm2 lagi.. itu yang selalunya akan jadi masa chemo or RT course dijalankan.. tapi ramai yang taktau atau tak diberitahu pasal long term effect pada anak kita.. saya cuma nak share sebab ilmu Allah ni luas dan saya rasa bertanggungjawab untuk berkongsi apa ilmu dan fakta yang saya dah come across.. ni semua saya copy from various websites.. you can do your own research.. ape yang saya kumpulkan ni is actually my own reference untuk aisy.. i try to highlight mana yang important to know if it is too long for u to read.. so please have a read to know more..demi anak kita..

1) Long-term outcomes

During and after cancer treatment, the main concerns for most families are the short- and long-term effects of the cancer and its treatment, and concerns about the cancer still being present or coming back.

It is certainly normal for families to want to put the cancer and its treatment behind them and to get back to a life that doesn’t revolve around the cancer. But it’s important to realise that close follow-up care is a central part of this process that offers children the best chance for recovery and long-term survival.

For many years after treatment, it is very important that children have regular follow-up exams with the cancer care team. As time goes by, the risk of the cancer coming back goes down, and doctor visits might be needed less often. But they are still important because SOME SIDE EFFECTS OF TREATMENT MIGHT NOT SHOW UP UNTIL YEARS LATER.

Because of major advances in treatment, more children treated for cancer are now surviving into adulthood. DOCTORS HAVE LEARNED THAT THE TREATMENT MAY AFFECT CHILDREN’S HEALTH LATER IN LIFE, so watching for health effects as they get older has become more of a concern in recent years.

Treating childhood cancer requires a much specialised approach, and so does the care and follow-up after treatment. The earlier any problems can be recognised, the more likely it is they can be treated effectively.

Childhood cancer survivors are at risk, to some degree, for several possible late effects of their cancer treatment. It’s important to discuss what these possible effects might be with your child’s medical team. The risks depend on a number of factors, such as the type of cancer, the specific cancer treatments used, doses of cancer treatment, and the child’s age at the time of treatment. Some of the MORE COMMON LATE EFFECTS OF CANCER TREATMENT INCLUDE:

- HEART OR LUNG PROBLEMS (due to certain chemotherapy drugs or radiation therapy)





2) What causes late effects?

Late effects are CAUSED BY THE DAMAGE THAT CANCER TREATMENT DOES TO HEALTHY CELLS IN THE BODY. Most late effects are CAUSED BY CHEMOTHERAPY OR RADIATION. Major surgery can also lead to late effects.

Cancer treatments like radiation therapy or chemotherapy kill cells that grow quickly, such as cancer cells. But in a child, many healthy cells in organs throughout the body are growing fast, too. Treatment can damage these cells and keep them from growing and developing the way they should. Sometimes the damage from treatment isn’t serious enough to cause problems that are noticed right away, but they may show up over time.

Survival by Children’s Oncology Group risk group

Low-risk group: Children in the low-risk group have a 5-year survival rate that is higher than 95%.

Intermediate-risk group: In children in the intermediate-risk group, the 5-year survival rate is around 90% to 95%.

High-risk group: The 5-year survival rate in children in the high-risk group is around 40% to 50%. (We were told Aisy was in this group)

The overall 5 year survival rate for childhood cancer is 80%.  That is awesome.  But SURVIVAL COMES WITH A COST.  OVER 2/3 OF THOSE SURVIVORS HAVE AT LEAST ONE SERIOUS CHRONIC HEALTH CONDITION.  1/4 of those survivors face a late-effect from treatment that is CLASSIFIED AS SEVERE OR LIFE-THREATENING.


3) Incidence Childhood Cancer (globally)



160,000 new cases/year < 15 years of age. 

90,000 deaths/year < 15 years of age


(Ferlay J, IARC Cancer Base N°5, 2004)


Although chemotherapy can be very effective, the success rate varies and in certain cancers can be as low as one per cent!

"A survey of 128 US cancer doctors found that if they contracted cancer, more than 80 per cent would NOT have chemotherapy"  

A survey of 128 US cancer doctors found that if they contracted cancer, more than 80 per cent would not have chemotherapy as the "risks and side effects far outweighed the likely benefits". 

You have to work out what´s best for you and your type and grade of cancer.

4) A review of chemotherapy on 5-year survival rates in Australia garnered almost identical results, with a 2.3 PERCENT SUCCESS RATE, compared to the U.S. 2.1 PERCENT RATE OF SUCCESS. 2% only?

(NaturalNews) Chemotherapy is one of three main treatment protocols of conventional medicine, one which millions of people worldwide have been put through. In fact, virtually all of us know someone who suffered and finally passed on after a futile course of chemotherapy prescribed by his or her doctor. 'Nothing more could be done anyway', we are often told. Lately, a recent study in Britain has raised serious questions about chemotherapy, in particular the role it plays in hastening and even causing the death of late-stage cancer sufferers.

Details and Findings of Study

The study had been carried out by the National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Deaths in Britain, whose members are mostly taken from British medical royal colleges. It had looked at the cases of 600 cancer sufferers in the country who had passed on within 30 days of treatment. The majority of the said patients had already been declared "incurable" by doctors, and had been put on chemotherapy for palliative purposes.

And the study found that 

Learn more:


I’m sure some of the doctors who comes across this post of mine would flip.. but these facts are done with research on them.. there are some things they try to avoid telling patients because they do not want patients to worry more than they already have.. but we as parents of the patients, need to know the whole truth before we decide something or some kind of treatment for our children.. we deserve to know more.. it is our right to know from A-Z what the treatment can and will do to a person.. life is a precious thing and no one deserves to live more than another..

Update on Aisy

Salaam all.. well as you know, harituh Aisy buat MIBG scan.. masa first day tuh dia terbangun half way, so we had to repeat scan the next day..hehehe tapi kali ni doctor bagi stronger sedation supaya dia tido lama skit...

Alhamdulillah Aisy tido throughout the scan and the doctor told us that Friday tak payah repeat dahhh..coz aisy tak move langsung ...yeayyyyyy.. seronok sgt.. takyah lah masuk sedation lagi kan..

Ni muka dia yg masih high.. Cian anak ibu ni..

So itu cerita MIBG.. semalam pulak, aisy ada ultrasound appointment at 9.00am and also appointment with neurosurgeon at 9.30am..  

konon2 nyer the ultrasound will only take a while.. but unfortunately, the doctor discovered that his right kidney ada a bit of enlargement.. bengkak sikit.. so, diaorg korek balik all results dia from the last MRI scan bla bla bla and had some discussion among them.. so they said kena tunggu lagi 30-40minutes.. time was 11.00am dah masa tuh.. however, the doctor dah call the neurosurgeon clinic and told them that Aisy will be late for his appointment.. Nasib baik clinic okay.. kalau tak, nak kena postpone bagai..malas la nak kena amik cuti lagi..

So kitaorg pergi la rounding2 dalam kereta dulu.. sambil makan n minum.. dengan Aisy tak habis2 nak ngamuk jerr.. letih la tuh.. haihhh.. hati ni dah rasa macam2 dah bila diaorg kata buah pinggang bengkak sikit.. otak pun fikir bukan2.. hmm... then after 40minutes, kitaorg pegi balik kat tempat ultrasound tu.. so they requested to do another ultrasound just to make sure the images are clear.. diaorg scan spine dia and they said the tumour is still there.. hmm.. so we finished everything around 12.20pm. so rush pegi ke the new building to see the neurosurgeon..

Ni muka ngamuk sbb lama sangat dah menunggu huhuhu

dah sampai tuh, takyah register ape pun. nurse tuh terus tanya, “Aisy Ezkandar ke?”.. ohh rupanyaa doctor dah menunggu.. but not the neurosurgeon himself..another doctor yang tolong dia kat situ just to see patients yang follow up like Aisy.. but the neurosurgeon did pop up sekejap to see.. ayat dia memang takleh blah.. “So, anything? takde ape2 kan? haa oklah, banyak lagi patient i nak jumpa”.. and he left the room just like that.. hmm i guess that’s the treatment you get when you don’t follow their advise.. hihihih takpelah.. Allah kan ada..

So tomorrow is Aisy’s appointment with the Oncologist.. we’ll see how it goes.. debar jantung ni nak tau MIBG scan results dia.. hopefully all is well... insyaallah.. :)

Ok folks, will update you with the results soon.. cheerio my silent readers..!